Monday, June 30, 2008


It is Monday afternoon, and all I can say is "THANK YOU".

Here is a picture of my daughter Spoony in her Prom Dress. My little fashionista designed and made the dress all by herself. I am very proud of her.

Its finally all over with. The prom, the company, the party, the clean-up, all done. The last of my guest have just left.

It has been a long but fun process.

The prom was great and so was the all nighter, according to my daughter. At my daughters school, they have an all-nighter after the prom ends. They set up the high school with all different activities for the kids to do, and it runs from 1am to 6am. They do this to keep the kids from getting wasted and driving. They even raffle off a car. My daughter won a 15 dollar gas card.

Friday I started preparing for the party, my in-laws were here to lend a hand. That was a great help.

Saturday my sister in law and girlfriend, (after driving 3 hours) came and helped with the cooking while I was at the ceremony. They are great, always there to help. The party started at 4pm and lasted until 2am. Everyone had a great time. My son's band played for the party, that was a big hit.

Sunday morning out of town company came for breakfast, and everyone except for my friend Deb left. I spent all of Sunday on the couch vegging out, enjoying the company of my friend, Deb, who I have not seen in about a year.
Monday, slept in until 9:45, shame on me. Took my girlfriend to the bus station, picked up thank you cards, and returned the beer cag.
I am just so happy that it is all over with.
Now I have to start getting ready for our family vacation to the Grand Canyon which we leave on the 8th of July.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Tonight is Prom Night, I will be back later with a picture of my baby in her dress.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My 1st Wordless Wednesday

Here is a picture of Skaterdude at his best.

This is all he does day in and day out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Schools out for Summer

Yipee, Yahoo, Wahoo, and all those other silly words, school is out for the summer, and I am a very happy camper. I love the last day of school, you think I was the one going. I just love the fact that I do not have to deal with kids and homework, test, school projects, etc. for 2 whole months. I also like having my kids home with me.

I have just returned from Skaterdudes 8th grade graduation. I am so very proud of him, he received tonight the Academic Presidential Award, The Perfect Attendance Award, and was also on the Honor Roll for 2 quarters. Considering the child spends most, did I say most, I mean all of his time on his skateboard, its amazing he does so awesome in school.

Well when the graduation was complete I had to go and introduce myself to the Assistant Principal, since I have spoken to her on the phone every few weeks for the last year, due to Skaterdudes obnoxious behavior in school. I felt I needed to meet her in person. She loves my son, I mean he is a cutie, and its hard to get mad at him, but he really does some pretty stupid things. My daughter even wrote a paper for her English class on the dopey things he does, but he still manages to pull out a 90 GPA. Now if he would only apply himself, he would be even more amazing.

Still the same I am very proud of him, and am thankful that I have 2 months to recoup before he hits High School.

Now the next thing is Sr. Prom on Thursday night for my daughter Spoony.

Monday, June 23, 2008


I just returned home from a week on Long Island. Had a very nice time, while I was there. But now it is time to get back to the everyday living.

I may not be posting most of this week, way to busy.

Skaterdude is graduating from Middle School on Tuesday night.

Spoony has her Sr. Prom on Thursday night, I may post then, her picture in her prom dress that she designed and made all by herself, my little fashionista.

My in-laws are coming up with my daughter Face on Thursday

Spoony's graduation from High School is on Saturday.

Then the party begins at 4... 70 plus are coming......

So I will be shopping, cleaning, and of course cooking.

Have a great week.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bathing Suits

Please explain to me about the way bathing suits are sold. I remember when you could go into the store and buy your bathing suit all together, a top with a bottom.

I have been to 2 department stores this week looking for bathing suits for my 2 daughters, ages 17 and 20. You want to talk about getting absolutely frustrated, well that was me.

You find the top part of the suit, then good luck finding the bottom that matches, or the right size. I would come across a top part, like it, then look around for the bottom, and when I find the bottom part, they only have one size left, and somethings I would not even find a bottom that matched. What is everyone just buying the bottom half. Are all the girls going topless? I am not getting this.

And to top it all off, the bathing suit section is like a bomb went off. It is a mess.

I did manage to come out of this mess with 2 suits for my 20 year old, because they had a sale if you are lucky enough to find the other half of your suit it only cost you 88 cents. This was at Penny's. So instead of a 50 dollar suit, it was 25 dollars and 88 cents. So she ended up with 2. (got home and one did not fit....SHIT) hate to go back. Daughter number 2 only got one, she wanted a tankini and that was not on sale, but it was just as hard to find.

So it looks as if I have to go back to the bathing suit war zone.

Please pray for me.

The Dam Seagulls

Sitting on the beach yesterday, with my BFF.

The dam seagulls, are a pain in the ass. What little scavengers. They are trying to pick garbage out of the garbage cans, ya know the ones that are like a mesh, pulling out straws, dropping them, then trying to pull out plastic bags. They were really getting on my nerves. There was one seagull, that was determined to get this plastic bag that had a bag of chips in it away from this persons blanket. He struts up and picks it up and marches away, we yelled at him, he drops it and we put it back, placing it behind the peoples cooler. Then he kinda just walks around looking like he is just hanging out. Then he walks around the cooler to the outside and grabs the bag, again we yell at the dumb bird, and this time we placed the bag under a towel. Ok so that is a done deal now. Now there is this lady with her kid sitting eating lunch on their blanket, and down swoops a seagull and snatches the women's sandwich right out of her hands. What I don't get is that there is a whole Atlantic Ocean a few feet away with plenty of fish in it to eat. They can't be that lazy, to go fishing. As we were leaving the beach a little boy was standing in the sand with some potato chips on the ground in front of him, and I swear all the seagulls at the beach were surrounding this poor little boy.

I am sorry but I am not at all a bird lover, of any kind.
I will tell you my other bird story another time.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day

Any man can be a Father, but it takes a special man to be a Dad.

Well its Sunday night, Fathers Day.

We celebrated Fathers day yesterday (Saturday) which we do every year.

Its hop in the car and drive 3 hours to my sister in laws house, this has been the theme for the last few years. (Prior to that it was at my in-laws house, but things change.)

All of my husbands brothers and their spouses come, along with their children. Even my mother comes. (since my sister is married to my brother-in-law).

Its a nice day to pay respect, love and admiration to the dads. I have to say that each one of the dads in the family deserve the right to be called Dad.

My father left when I was 9 years old. Yeah, I saw him here and there through the years, but it was nothing special. Sad to say.

My father did meet my oldest daughter when she was about 2 years old, but never had the chance to meet my other 3, because he had passed away 2 weeks after my 3 child was born. Not that is really mattered, he didn't really seem interested in my daughter when he met her. Oh well.

The sad part of it all is that 3 months before he passed, my grandmother(His mother), whom I loved dearly had passed away, that was hard. But after my grandmothers passing, I was talking to my father again, and was hoping that something would come of it this time around, but unfortunately that to came to an abrupt end. He passed away alone, when he really didn't have to.

My father was just that a father, he was not a dad for pretty much most of his life. The way I see it is that he is the one who missed out.

My father-in-law is a wonderful dad, and I am proud to call him dad. The man will do anything for me and I will do anything for him.

Because of the wonderful man he is, my husband in turn in just as wonderful with his children. So I guess you can say that I am a lucky women. I have a wonderful husband for myself, and a wonderful father for my children.

I would like to end this with just one thing, and that is:

I love you Mike.
I love you Dad.

Happy Fathers Day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

She is Done With High School

Today was my 2nd daughters last day of High School. I am feeling real old here.

I remember like it was yesterday, I never expected her to go to school at all. When she was 4 years old, she became a nursery school drop out. Had to be home with me, and her brothers, they were 2 and a new born.

I couldn't make a move without her being like right up my ass. We would go to see friends, and she would just stand behind me and hold onto my leg. Even when she knew the people we were visiting. My friends would try to pry her away from me. But nothing worked. All I would think was how am I going to get this poor child to school, she won't leave my side, OH CRAP.

Then it was time for Pre-K, and what do ya know, there she went, off on her own. She loved going to school. But she still hung onto me when we went out to visit friends. Boy, how I miss those days.

So she is done with high school, and is graduating on the 28th, with honors, and a grade average of 95. Pretty cool.

I am so very proud of her, we did go through some rough times, but all turned out good in the end.

My baby will be heading to New York City to attend The Fashion Institute of Technology to study Fashion Design, in the fall. So I have her for just a little bit longer.

Love you Baby Girl, and I am very proud of you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What A Beautiful Day

I have to say that today was an absolutely beautiful day, weather wise.

The kind of day where you say, screw the house cleaning and the laundry, forget cooking dinner. I am getting my sorry ass outa this house. The kinda day where you go out and do whatever it is that will make you happy to be alive. Whether its laying in the pool on a float, swinging on the pouch swing, playing in the park with your kids, or driving in your car with the top down and the music blasting (provided you have a car that the top goes down on, I myself drive a mini van, so I am not doing that).

The last few days have been so freakin hot and humid, that I have really not left the house since I went to work on Saturday night. I just couldn't stand the heat and humidity, and with the hot flashes that just seemed to never go away, it was just brutal for me.

I was so looking forward to today, after hearing the weather forecast. But I ended up missing most of the day, and am not a happy camper about that at all.

The reason for my missing this absolutely beautiful day, was due to the fact that I did not get home from work until 6am this morning. I should have been home by 1am, but no such luck. So after being up for close to 24 hours, I needed to get some sleep.

I am an auditor for a company that does inventories for stores.

Last night we were doing a store, where I started at 9:30. There were some new hires, that made a mess of the counts, so needless to say, I had to stay and do recounts from 1am until 5:45.

The guy running the job, decided to do things his way, and instead of fixing the counts, by printing them out and just adding or taking away items, he decides he is going to delete all the work out of the computer that was wrong and have the few of us left to recount all the areas that got fucked up.

That has got to be the stupidest idea ever. What the &^%$#@ was he thinking, or should I say not thinking. Then while I was doing the recounts, I am finding nothing wrong, the store employees made the mistakes, not us, (well some of us did make some of them, but not all of them) and the counts were right, but he had already deleted the work, so we had no choice but to do the work all over again.

NEVER AGAIN!!!! Not me, no how, no way, will work with him again.They can fire me, if need be. One of our employees, decided to just give up and leave at 4:30 and went home. Wish I could have the nerve to do that.

So since I got home at 6am, my absolutely beautiful day was spent sleeping....UGH.

I did manage to get outside and sit and swing on the pouch swing this afternoon, and it was nice.

Monday, June 9, 2008


On Sunday morning I was on my way to pick up my son The Man from his friends house so that I could take him to work. I was listening to the radio, and a song from ELO titled "EVIL WOMEN" came on. It put a big smile on my face. The reason for the smile was that it made me think of the following story.

When The Man was younger maybe 8 or 9, I have a hard time keeping track of what they did at what age. Well anyway we are big fans of ELO, my husband and all the kids, so we would listen to the tape in the car when we would travel.

Well one time while traveling and listening to the tape, The Man starts singing along to the song "EVIL WOMEN", when it came to the lyrics Evil Women, you could hear him in the back seat singing "He is a women". We are like what are you singing. We then informed him that the lyrics were "Evil women". He was just a bit embarrassed.

Another time we were in the mall down in Florida on vacation, and The Man was singing again, as we were walking through the stores.

These are the lyrics he was singing "Ghost man, Ghost man, don't stand so close to me".

I am sorry, but I just busted out laughing, poor child.

I once again informed him that the lyrics to the song were, "Don't stand, Don't stand so close to me". By the Police.

Today The Man is 16 and is the lead guitar player in a band, he writes his own music, but he DOES NOT SING.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Apalachin is in the Southern Tier of New York State. This is where we migrated to 10 years ago from a very very far place (actually 200 miles away) Long Island.

I have yet to meet someone who does not make fun of the way I speak, right off the bat, its like "Your from Long GUYLAND", and I say "No I am from Long Island". They seem to think that that is the way we say Long Island. Not me, never have. They say I have an accent, I don't think so. We Long GUYLANDERS just change the "ER" at the end of a word to "A", such as "HAMMA" instead of "HAMMER".

Well all is well and good, they can pick on me all they want, at least I know how to really pronounce the name of my town.

OK, so you see this towns name and you would think to yourself,

Apalachin could be pronounced A-pal-a-chin. Nope


Apalachin could be pronounced Apple-Lay-Chin. Nope, that is spelled Appalachian like the Mountain range. This is the way most people pronounce the name of my town, (the people who don't live here, that is) like my good old friends in Long GUYland.

So the correct way to pronounce the name of my town is:


After 10 years I still don't get it.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Last Friday night, we had some of my friends from work over for a BBQ. We were talking about our kids and the things they can come up with to say. This story about my son skaterdude came up. He was maybe 3 or 4 years old at the time.

When telling this story I am going to have to use the "F" word, sorry, but there is no story without it.

I was downstairs in the laundry room, doing what else but laundry. Skaterdude came in very serious looking with something in his hand ( I think it was a battery charger, if my recollections is correct, but that doesn't really matter, it what he said) and looking right at me with his tiny hand out stretched and said "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS", not believing what I heard, I said "what did you say", again he said "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS". I didn't know what to do, I was pretty shocked at his word choice, but I have to admit, I was laughing inside, because of the way he used the word it was priceless, but needless to say I was not happy with his choice of words. I gave him a little swat on the butt, and told him to never use that word again.

On our way back upstairs, I decided to test him on the lesson just taught. I said "Skaterdude, what was that word you said just before"? His response, "I'm not saying that again", lesson learned.

So when I walked into work Monday morning one of my friends turns and asked me "Jane WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS"?

I just had to laugh.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moving Out

After 48 years, my in-laws have sold their house in New York, to take up permanent residence in Florida, where they have pretty much been for the last few years.

They are now up in New York taking care of the sale of the house and getting rid of all their stuff.

I happen to be in town and offered to help them get started.


Needless to say the pair of them are total frazzled, this is a difficult process for them, sad but it needs to be done.

After about an hour with them, I knew that this feat could not be accomplished without the aid of a six pack of Corona Light. So yes I jumped into the car and headed to the store. I picked up my six and a couple of limes.

OK....Now I am ready, let the games begin.

We started in the closets, (remember they live in Florida, so most of their clothes are down there) and this is how it went:

Me: Do you want this?

Mother-in-law: Yes

Me: Do you actually wear this?

Mother-in-law: No

Me: Does it fit you?

Mother-in-law: I don't know?

Me: Will you wear it again?

Mother-in-law: I don't know, maybe

Me: Ok, it goes

I then proceed to put it in the bag that is going to the Lupus Foundation.

This went on for hours.

My father-in-law is ready to do his closet. So here we go again, do you really need this, are you really going to wear that, blah blah blah. Some of the shirts were just plain ugly, and I told him so. I ended with if you are keeping these clothes that I have never seen you in before, ok, but when I see you again you better be wearing this or that. He is going to be wearing alot of clothes next time I see him.

Well we managed to consolidate 3 closets into 1. It was difficult, and I ended up with 5 bags going to the Lupus Foundation, and one bag in the garbage. Hooray for me.

My husband and his sibling are going there for the weekend to help out. I get to go home.....yippee

I told my sister-in-law to make sure they bring plenty of wine and beer to help them get through the weekend. They will need it.

But I did get a wonderful lobster dinner at the end of the day.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back To Work

Well today was the day, I went back to work.

The day started off at 4:45, was leaving the house at 5:30, could not find my cell phone, so I decided to call it from the house phone, but the cordless house phone went dead. Five minutes later my son The Man came up the stairs not looking to happy, he had my cell phone in hand, the ringing woke him up, well to bad, maybe you shouldn't have had my phone.

Left the house got to my office and was pretty cold, it was only 50 degrees, so I proceeded to put on my work sweatshirt, to find out that I had taken my husbands Jet sweatshirt. (We need to wear shirts and sweatshirts with the company logo on them). So I was going to have to just be cold and deal with it. Went to unlock the office door, when I noticed my daughters car key in my bag, and realized that I took the wrong car. Hubby was taking my van in for the inspection. Well that is not getting done today. Then went through an hour of on and off again hot flashes. Well this is turning out to be the day of all days.

Well I made it through work, and it felt like I never even took off 2 months. Can honestly say that I was not the happy camper being back on the job. But everyone was very happy to see me back, which was nice. Finished work at 12:20 and got home at 2:00. Great time to relax before the kids get home from school, yeah right no such luck, my daughter Spoony walked in 5 minutes after me. Then the phone starts ringing, then my son, Skaterdude soon after that walks in. No rest for the weary. Oh well guess it will be an early night for me, because it will start again at 4:45am on Tuesday.

Well all that is left for this day, is my hour walk with the hubby and cooking dinner, doing some wash, and then its off to bed for me.

Sleep tight!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Evening

Well its Sunday evening, hubby is cooking dinner, Skaterdude is out skateboarding in the front of the house, my daughter Spoony is at a horse show, The Man is playing his guitar, and my daughter Face is down on Long Island.

That gives me a minute to sit and write this blog before dinner is ready.

Well tomorrow is Monday and my 1st day back to work since the surgery back in March. I really don't want to go back, I have been enjoying my time home, working on my website, and just getting things done around the house. Oh well, I guess the vacation is over.

I am scheduled for 4 days this week, and I have to be out of the house Monday and Tuesday by 5:30, Wednesday by 4:30 , that's AM. Thursday I will be working at night, don't have to be there until 9:15. That's a bit better. I prefer nights, and keep requesting them, but someone is not listening. I will get there I hope. Life is just to busy during the day to go to work.

I hope I will remember to get up in the morning, and I hope that my legs will get me out of bed, I have spent the weekend hiking through the trails around town. I actually did 2 hikes yesterday and another 2 day. I would say that ended up being about 8 or 9 miles.

Well it's dinner time. Good Eats.....only because I didn't have to cook the food, it always taste better when you don't do the cooking.....