Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mrs. O

This is a difficult post for me, I have been trying to write it for days, but it is a very important post.
I have just lost a very important person, and that person is my best friends mom.

On Tuesday August 19th at 10:30pm I received a call from my very best friend of 37 years, telling me that her mother has passed away.

I knew the call was coming, but was not sure as to when. When I saw Suzanne's name on my cell phone, I knew why she was calling. I did not want to answer the phone.

Suzanne's mom has lost the battle. For the last 10 months she has been fighting non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and on Tuesday August 19th the cancer unfortunately won.

Mrs. O was a wonderful women, strong, caring and has raised a wonderful daughter, that I am proud to call my friend. Mrs. O should be very proud of the daughter that she has raised. Suzanne is a terrific mom, wife, nurse and friend.

Suzanne and I have been through alot together and have always been there when we needed each other. That is why I had no problem in coming the 200 miles the next day after I received the call to be there for her. Well I would do just about anything for her, and she for me. I have spent 4 days with her and her family. I know she would have done the same for me in a heart beat.

Mrs. O as I said was a very strong women, and she fought hard to overcome this nasty disease but it was to much, even for her. This is where Suzanne gets her strength without a doubt.

Suzanne was lucky to have such a terrific mom, who was there to help her out when she decided to return to school to become a nurse. Mom was there for her 5 daughters when she was needed. Not only did Suzanne and her husband John appreciate and love her, but the 5 girls did as well.

When I would be in town, and would see Mrs. O, the first thing she would say to me was "Give me my hug" and of course I did.

I would like to end this with a thank you to her, for giving me my best friend, life would not be the same without Suzanne.

I will also miss my hugs.

I love you and will miss you deeply.



Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for your loss and so incredibly grateful that you had such a wonderful woman as a part of your life for so long. And she'll always be in your life -- in a different way -- through what you gained from her and through her daughter.

Amanda said...

I am so sorry for the shared loss. Wishing you solace.

Michelle W said...

I am very sorry that both you and Suzanne have to endure this loss. I hope you are both able to find comnort in the wonderful memories that you have and find strength in the bond of your wonderful and unique friendship.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. My friend's mother lost her battle with the same type of cancer this past April. I pray that the good memories you have will be a comfort to you as you seek to comfort your friend.

Veronica Lee said...

I offer you my greatest condolence over your loss.

jane said...

Hi Suzanne, I hope you are doing better now.
Take care :)