Thursday, June 5, 2008

Moving Out

After 48 years, my in-laws have sold their house in New York, to take up permanent residence in Florida, where they have pretty much been for the last few years.

They are now up in New York taking care of the sale of the house and getting rid of all their stuff.

I happen to be in town and offered to help them get started.


Needless to say the pair of them are total frazzled, this is a difficult process for them, sad but it needs to be done.

After about an hour with them, I knew that this feat could not be accomplished without the aid of a six pack of Corona Light. So yes I jumped into the car and headed to the store. I picked up my six and a couple of limes.

OK....Now I am ready, let the games begin.

We started in the closets, (remember they live in Florida, so most of their clothes are down there) and this is how it went:

Me: Do you want this?

Mother-in-law: Yes

Me: Do you actually wear this?

Mother-in-law: No

Me: Does it fit you?

Mother-in-law: I don't know?

Me: Will you wear it again?

Mother-in-law: I don't know, maybe

Me: Ok, it goes

I then proceed to put it in the bag that is going to the Lupus Foundation.

This went on for hours.

My father-in-law is ready to do his closet. So here we go again, do you really need this, are you really going to wear that, blah blah blah. Some of the shirts were just plain ugly, and I told him so. I ended with if you are keeping these clothes that I have never seen you in before, ok, but when I see you again you better be wearing this or that. He is going to be wearing alot of clothes next time I see him.

Well we managed to consolidate 3 closets into 1. It was difficult, and I ended up with 5 bags going to the Lupus Foundation, and one bag in the garbage. Hooray for me.

My husband and his sibling are going there for the weekend to help out. I get to go home.....yippee

I told my sister-in-law to make sure they bring plenty of wine and beer to help them get through the weekend. They will need it.

But I did get a wonderful lobster dinner at the end of the day.


Melanie said...

It must be hard to go through all of those years worth of memories and try to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.

Candid Carrie said...

Will work for lobster, that's a new one.

Unknown said...

Oh you GO Girl! So hard and no fun...thank heavens for the beverages o' choice!! ;)

-Bridget said...

Will you come do that with my closet now, pretty please?